Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to Behave With Women

Learning how to behave with women is a life-long process. The basic foundations need to be built on respect and love. Understanding that solid differences exist between the genders, learning to communicate, showing interest politely and genuinely and making every effort to respect the women in your life serve both you and the women you're involved with.

Treat the women in your life as equals with differences. Respect the ways you differ as necessary and beneficial. Teasing women about things that are out of their control (like PMS, bloating, sensitivity, the necessity to sit down to urinate) is ignorant and rude. Think of your differences as normal and purposeful and watch how your gender relations improve.

Listen actively and ask questions. Women are communicative creatures but also follow certain rules when speaking that differ from men's. When talking with a woman, listen actively while she speaks and ask questions to show your interest in what she's saying. Asking questions is a compliment to a woman that women assume men know, but few actually do.

Pursue her gently but persistently. Find ways to pursue a woman that are meaningful, affectionate and memorable. Also remember, when a man pulls away, it's because he wants some space. When a woman pulls away, it's because she wants to be pursued and shown she's loved and cared for.

Respect her boundaries emotionally and physically. Accept that "no" does mean "no." Learn to let go instead of exhibiting controlling behaviors. Women don't like to be dominated, but loved and adored.

Know that small things really do count. Opening a door, offering a hand, lending an ear, carrying the groceries up the stairs are all little things that make women soften and feel protected and provided for. Adopt a heart of service toward the women in your life, and you'll be amazed at how much you receive back.

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